As to establish
ASP Linux (Fedora Core)
Ready To parcels ASP Linux they could пошукати here.
Ready To parcels Fedora Core пошукати here.
Some parcels довелося make also of. Load their they could since майданчика
or майданчика Pere .
Parcels is able штатно with the rpm , yum legal acts.
We need modules:
Appellation |
One version >= |
ASP Linux 11 |
Fedora Core 4 |
to pere |
perl-DB_File |
1.800 |
as share perl |
as share perl |
perl-IO-File |
1.09 |
as share perl |
as share perl |
perl-Encode |
1.99 |
as share perl |
as share perl |
perl-Archive-Zip |
1.05 |
in дистрибутиві |
in дистрибутиві |
perl-XML-Parser |
2.34 |
in дистрибутиві |
in дистрибутиві |
perl-IO-stringy |
2.104 |
in дистрибутиві |
look |
perl-Text-CSV_XS |
0.23 |
in дистрибутиві |
look |
perl-Config-General |
2.24 |
look |
look |
perl-HTML-SimpleParse |
0.12 |
load |
load |
perl-RTF-Tokenizer |
1.08 |
load |
load |
perl-Lingua-Pere |
0.2.0 |
load |
load |
to wxpere |
wxGTK |
2.4.2 |
in дистрибутиві |
look |
perl-Wx |
0.22 |
load |
load |
wxpere |
0.2.0 |
load |
load |
pere-src2dic |
Import of перекладних словників of an сирців |
pere-dic2src |
export перекладних словників of an сирців |
pere-dmp2dic |
Import of перекладних словників of an дампів |
pere-dic2dmp |
export перекладних словників of an дампів |
pere-confupd |
renewal файлу configurations after the maintain if destruction словників |
pere-trans4docbook |
translation of EU documents in the DocBook |
pere-trans4html |
translation of EU documents in the Hypertext Markup Language |
pere-trans4mse2003 |
translation of EU documents in the Microsoft Excel 2003 XML |
pere-trans4msw2003 |
translation of EU documents in the Microsoft Word 2003 XML |
pere-trans4ooo |
translation of EU documents in the |
pere-trans4rtf |
translation of EU documents in the Rich Text Format |
pere-trans4text |
translation of EU documents in the Plain text |
pere-trans |
translation of EU documents in all вищенаведених форматах |
wxpere |
конфігурування, Import of перекладних словників, translation of EU in many форматах |
Inventory to from each programmes:
$ pere-* --help
$ pere-* --man
$ man pere-*
Dictionaries is able since пакунків вигляду pere-<вхідна мова>_<вихідна мова>_<тема>-0.2.0-1.fc4.val.noarch.rpm .
ALT Linux
Ready To parcels ALT Linux they could пошукати here.
Some parcels довелося make also of. Load their they could since майданчика
or майданчика Pere .
Parcels is able штатно with the rpm , apt legal acts.
He can to establish all with Сизифу:
# apt-get install perl-Lingua-Pere wxpere
# apt-get install pere-ru-ru_uk-ua_dzer-tyzh pere-uk-ua_ru-ru_dzer-tyzh
# apt-get clean
Or act вручну
We need modules:
Appellation |
One version >= |
ALT Linux Master 2.4 |
to pere |
perl-IO-File |
1.09 |
as share perl |
perl-DBM |
5.8.4 |
in дистрибутиві |
perl-i18n |
5.8.4 |
in дистрибутиві |
perl-Archive-Zip |
1.05 |
in дистрибутиві |
perl-Config-General |
2.24 |
in дистрибутиві |
perl-HTML-SimpleParse |
0.12 |
in дистрибутиві |
perl-IO-stringy |
2.104 |
in дистрибутиві |
perl-Text-CSV_XS |
0.23 |
in дистрибутиві |
perl-XML-Parser |
2.34 |
in дистрибутиві |
perl-RTF-Tokenizer |
1.08 |
load |
perl-Lingua-Pere |
0.2.0 |
load |
Нажаль, me they have failed to accomplish something pack perl-Wx .
pere-src2dic |
Import of перекладних словників of an сирців |
pere-dic2src |
export перекладних словників of an сирців |
pere-dmp2dic |
Import of перекладних словників of an дампів |
pere-dic2dmp |
export перекладних словників of an дампів |
pere-confupd |
renewal файлу configurations after the maintain if destruction словників |
pere-trans4docbook |
translation of EU documents in the DocBook |
pere-trans4html |
translation of EU documents in the Hypertext Markup Language |
pere-trans4mse2003 |
translation of EU documents in the Microsoft Excel 2003 XML |
pere-trans4msw2003 |
translation of EU documents in the Microsoft Word 2003 XML |
pere-trans4ooo |
translation of EU documents in the |
pere-trans4rtf |
translation of EU documents in the Rich Text Format |
pere-trans4text |
translation of EU documents in the Plain text |
pere-trans |
translation of EU documents in all вищенаведених форматах |
Inventory to from each programmes:
$ pere-* --help
$ pere-* --man
$ man pere-*
Dictionaries is able since пакунків вигляду pere-<вхідна мова>_<вихідна мова>_<тема>-0.2.0-1.alt.val.noarch.rpm .
Gentoo Linux
I don't know - by the not establishes some.
Lower - media resources, a number of me suit, описав hse .
To maintain programs машинного перекладу Pere a дистрибутиві Генто стягуємо package the necessary ебилдів since майданчика
or майданчика Pere .
$ wget
and розархівовуємо it content in roll where does show a variable $PORTDIR_OVERLAY habitually that /usr/local/portage
# tar -xjf portage-0.2.0.tar.bz2 -C /usr/local
NOTE: they could розпакувати and roll is being included in variables $PORTDIR (usual /usr/portage ), but then at clockings the портеджу those пекети витруться since framework.
# tar -xjf portage.tar.bz2 -C /usr
Packets словників have in app-dicts/ and have the the hardware: pere-<вхідна мова>-<вихідна мова>-<тема>
Are підтримуються formed by parliament: en , ru , uk ; Yet subjects: socpolit , socpolcomb
To enable revise that future developments at their extraction вибраних словників виконуємо:
$ emerge -pv pere-en-uk-socpolit
The перекладу dev-perl/Lingua-Pere has USE флаг wxwindows , who adds supporting графічного інтерфейсу wxGTK .
Dictionaries have the USE флаг dmp to generations словників but not the сирців, but on дампу.
He can for this person USE флаги those who to you сподобались to /etc/make.conf if /etc/portage/package.use .
To enable light, and all will sets was as trying to it again виконуємо:
$ emerge -pv pere-en-uk-socpolit
When the all right here, вибираємо needed dictionaries the maintain programs перекладу and the necessary словників all parliamentary their залежностями виконуємо a good team:
# emerge pere-en-uk-socpolit pere-en-uk-socpolcomb
This team стягне since the internet axes needed packets and встановить them for the right order.
ПМ: Тестувалось by x86 .
Since флагом wxwindows package not тестувався in general, but on флагом dmp I have has ебилди словників глючать...
MS Windows
I Am Going pack
Upload itself one of the файлів
wxpere-current-exe.exe .
Yet uncase in roll C:\PERE .
Зпускати the program of wxpere.exe must be for which the however каталозі
Later on establish dictionaries
That's an optimal setup
To maintain перекладачки one of the Windows has to load
ActivePerl .
In implication developing it the поточним was ActivePerl- .
A detailed inventory maintain ActivePerl finds himself in here.
Запустіть ActivePerl- , twice клацнувши particularly мишкою.
Follow інструкціям programs maintain.
To work перекладачки still needed those modules:
Appellation |
One version >= |
MS Windows |
to pere |
IO-File |
1.09 |
(yet included to join ActivePerl ) |
Encode |
1.99 |
(yet included to join ActivePerl ) |
XML-Parser |
2.34 |
(yet included to join ActivePerl ) |
DB_File |
1.800 |
load |
Archive-Zip |
1.05 |
load |
HTML-SimpleParse |
0.12 |
load |
IO-stringy |
2.104 |
load |
RTF-Tokenizer |
1.08 |
load |
Text-CSV_XS |
0.23 |
load |
Config-General |
2.24 |
load |
Lingua-Pere |
0.2.0 |
load |
to wxpere |
Wx |
0.22 |
load |
wxpere |
0.2.0 |
load |
If any parliamentary since пакунків they will take does not have, the пошукайте their
here, if
Uncase file
in folder DB_File-1.814 .
Зайдіть to it completely and perform a good team:
ppm install DB_File.ppd
Uncase file
in folder Archive-Zip-1.16 .
Зайдіть to it completely and perform a good team:
ppm install Archive-Zip.ppd
Uncase file
in folder HTML-SimpleParse-0.12 .
Зайдіть to it completely and perform a good team:
ppm install HTML-SimpleParse.ppd
Uncase file
in folder IO-stringy-2.110 .
Зайдіть to it completely and perform a good team:
ppm install IO-stringy.ppd
Uncase file
in folder RTF-Tokenizer-1.08 .
Зайдіть to it completely and perform a good team:
ppm install RTF-Tokenizer.ppd
Uncase file
in folder Text-CSV_XS-0.23 .
Зайдіть to it completely and perform a good team:
ppm install Text-CSV_XS.ppd
Uncase file
in folder Config-General-2.31 .
Зайдіть to it completely and perform a good team:
ppm install Config-General.ppd
Uncase file
in folder Wx-0.26-wxmsw2.6.2-win32-u-5.8.6 .
Зайдіть to it completely and perform a good team:
ppm install Wx-0.26.ppd
Uncase file
in folder Lingua-Pere-current .
Зайдіть to it completely and perform a good team:
ppm install Lingua-Pere.ppd
Uncase file
in folder wxpere-current .
Зайдіть to it completely and perform a good team:
ppm install wxpere.ppd
Their Extraction programs would stay here:
c:\perl\bin\pere-src2dic.bat |
Import of перекладних словників of an сирців |
c:\perl\bin\pere-dic2src.bat |
export перекладних словників of an сирців |
c:\perl\bin\pere-dmp2dic.bat |
Import of перекладних словників of an дампів |
c:\perl\bin\pere-dic2dmp.bat |
export перекладних словників of an дампів |
c:\perl\bin\pere-confupd.bat |
renewal файлу configurations after the maintain if destruction словників |
c:\perl\bin\pere-trans4docbook.bat |
translation of EU documents in the DocBook |
c:\perl\bin\pere-trans4html.bat |
translation of EU documents in the Hypertext Markup Language |
c:\perl\bin\pere-trans4mse2003.bat |
translation of EU documents in the Microsoft Excel 2003 XML |
c:\perl\bin\pere-trans4msw2003.bat |
translation of EU documents in the Microsoft Word 2003 XML |
c:\perl\bin\pere-trans4ooo.bat |
translation of EU documents in the |
c:\perl\bin\pere-trans4rtf.bat |
translation of EU documents in the Rich Text Format |
c:\perl\bin\pere-trans4text.bat |
translation of EU documents in the Plain text |
c:\perl\bin\pere-trans.bat |
translation of EU documents in all вищенаведених форматах |
c:\perl\bin\wxpere.bat |
графічна shell, конфігурування, Import of перекладних словників, translation of EU in many форматах |
Specifications programmes here:
If you are not want to, towards during his запуску графічної integuments з'являлося casement consoles, the замініть in файлі wxpere.bat рядки
perl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto endofperl
perl -x -S %0 %*
wperl -x -S "%0" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto endofperl
wperl -x -S %0 %*
Maintain словників
Завантажуйте dictionaries вигляду pere-dicdmp_<вхідна мова>_<вихідна мова>_<тема> .
Thus upload dictionary .
Uncase file
in folder pere-dicdmp_ru-ru_uk-ua_dzer-tyzh_current .
Зайдіть to it completely and perform a good team:
install.bat c:\pere\dic\ru-ru_uk-ua_dzer-tyzh ru-ru_uk-ua_dzer-tyzh.dmp
After September maintain all the necessary словників perform
pere-confupd.bat -rut=c:\pere\dic
towards renew file configurations.