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When the not going to find answers to issue, and that the Did unsettles, the листуйте me.


What prospects relations has "Does His Laundry" to programs "Плай(tm)" ("L-Master" and "ПАРС/У", etc)?


Absolutely none.


What мовні vapours will be drawn. What does one must be? It the some dictionaries?


A they could, in fact, any. I do they could to European and they would of such.

There are needed only двомовні texts. During the study translations відшукуються "from scratch" so any starting dictionaries not needed. Although their intensively advertised прискорить work.


I лишень ask, if will ота перекладачка the future підглядати a context перекладаного the, I suggest that some узгоджувати parturition - say, instead of "me education" ("мое образование") write "MY education". Because advantage have that, the EU even the least true clearly specify відмінки. Do, associated on the специфікою work перекладачки, this ever will?


On the contrary, she only media resources and do this that looked context. A this its nature of EIS - she will, time, повніше узгоджувати, but them об'ємів of raw materials must be however towards reach "human" qualities, I now I don't know. Moreover, that the oil not "рафінована", and has very of mistakes. To mistakes not набували систематичного effects перекладачку needs "feed" різноманітною сировиною. In fact so I would and please all providing space components if sources its receipt.


I don't know, as think out перекладачку to білінгвах (weathering itself). Цебто, have two texts: a as the Russian, other - російською. There Is A issue: as натравити Pere to these texts, towards she their "вивчила"? Unfortunately, most definitely not clear since підказок in файлах...


He offered the Artistic/GPL/FDL went issues study.
Yet the навчаючий module and all, who were relates to, while is not an public:

  • algorithm study as if yet стабілізувався, is still too raw;
  • technology complete implementation not відпрацьована;
  • about opposition camp and other plans.

When the texts is not an pursuing private, the надішліть their me.

When the want to right mistakes, it is they could to accomplish something in оригінальному src-файлі, if better in окремому, since Russia додаванням it to словника the pere-src2dic. However, of course, Your betterment would never influence it to dictionaries since and, Slava Vakarchuk, may with them in the future conflict.


As to CSV, whether some demands on "caps" (be debunked рядка) - if виглядати there is, whereas both Your словнику, or has this value?


Yes, demands have. since dictionaries розповсюджуються at two форматах: as сирці and how дамп.

Сирці it is written file in the CSV, which has title: PERE_DICT_SOURCE,0.2.0,"2006-05-23 12:05:11".
Were is first sphere - that "signature format", latter way - version, third - driving creating.
Later on went in fact translations of an: "вхідна фраза","вихідна_фраза"[,"вихідна_фраза",...].

Дамп it is written file in the CSV, which has title: PERE_DICT_DUMP,0.2.0,"2006-05-22 16:07:04".
Were is first sphere - that "signature format", latter way - version, third - driving creating.
Later on went data in кодованому place: "назва таблиці","ключ","значення".
Coding - that шістнядцяткове текстове presenting двійкових the data.


If the запхнути a dictionary an alternative перекладу than a and тої credibility of this phrases, opposition since the versions of programme needs?


When the have a few the versions of перекладу, the programme chooses one of them випадковим чином.

If the бажаєте towards працювало differently, the modify function of the Lingua::Pere::Misc::randval.


Then let, probably, a facilities will be the such a idea of: [... discourse ideas ...].
Yet the I (however, being програмістом, not лінгвістом) has tasted only imagine, Why are you I by the перекладаю since than a formed by parliament for another.


Your ideas I with ambitions вислухаю and they certainly will them скористаюся. However hoped, towards they were more specific, націленими of being implemented, since I do programmer, instead of linguist.

In fact translation of EU and study almost would never linked. Pursuing translation of EU submitted in too модельному a state of, towards show, that study has finally happened. You yourself quite may to a whatever solution using словника to перекладу, including and that, that suggest that. Тому-то result study and withdrawn one of the GNU GPL and GNU FDL.

When the напишете, the закиньте, please, me - let others do скористаються.

ІНШІ ПРОЕКТИ [Dictionary] [Pere.SF.NET] [Linux.Org.UA]
flag Copyleft (L) 2003-2017,
by Kiev, Соломко Valentyn